Copywriting Services
Communicating your message with your voice
You have a business - right?
Then communication is the key to getting you clients ... and keeping them.
Communication? It's any part of your business where you use words. Your
Email/Newsletter Campaigns
Press/Media Releases
LinkedIn Profiles & Pages
Blogs & Articles
Video Scripts
Case Studies
Brochures & Leaflets
Sales Letters
Business Letter Templates
How good would it be to have all these working for you like they've never worked before?
Copywriting Services that get you new customers and help you to keep them.
I love language.
I love its power to persuade.
I'll use my decades of experience at creating winning words to come up with copy that will 'work' for your business.
I'll come up with the right words in the right voice.
Words that will turn your prospects into clients and your clients into committed customers.
I'm a great fan of brevity - I wage a constant war on waffle.
The words that appear on your website, newsletters, video channels or your blogs will only work if they're clear, concise and compelling -
making your online presence look special and feel special.
SEO - Search Engine Optimisation
Critically, I understand SEO - understanding how to write copy that will help lift your website to high search engine positions – and stay there!
Find out more about -
Website Copy
Blogs & Articles
Copywriting for Print
Do you use Catalogues, Brochures, Leaflets, Flyers, Presenters?
Do you place Newspaper Ads & Features?
What about Press Releases and Case Studies?
Not forgetting good old snail-mail - business letters and mailshots.
All these can be vital tools for your business - too important to be left to chance.
How you present your company in print will make a massive difference to how potential clients perceive your business.
Printed materials to do your business proud
Are you looking for these?
- Direct Mail
- Catalogues
- Sales Brochures
- Business Letters
- Presentation Packs
- Business Letters
- Mailshots
- Newspaper Features
- Press Releases
- Pop-up Banners
I'll work with you on all aspects of the production process - Design, Copy, Editing, Printing.
The words are my speciality. Then I use trusted partners to deliver the other elements.
The result? Print resources to make you proud.
Mistakes can happen -
Mistakes in spelling, grammar or style.
On the web, these aren't disastrous. They can be quickly put right.
But in print? Clearly, a different story.
I'll go through your copy with the finest of fine-tooth combs and ensure that every word, dot and comma is perfectly presented.