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How to write a Sales Letter Part 2
‘Oooh lovely! A Sales Letter … just what I fancy reading!’ When was the last time you responded like this to a Sales Letter that gate-crashed its way onto your doormat? Get ready for a surprise. You might not love them, but the evidence is clear - Direct Mail Sales Letters are more effective than ever before. Today I’ll show you the proof. Then we’ll look at a few easy tricks to give your sales letter a greater chance of success.
Oct 27, 2020
How to write a Sales Letter Part 1: Knocking on the door
How's your direct mail program working? How are your response rates? In this two-part article, you’ll pick up a handful of hints and tips that will make all the difference. Say a big ‘hello’ to the most powerful instance of copywriting you’re ever likely to use. The Sales Letter. What? More potent than web copy? Yep – most certainly.
Oct 5, 2020
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