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Who needs Press Releases? As part of the Newspaper dinosaur family, aren't they pretty much extinct? You might think so, but you’d be wrong. If you have a business, you need Press Releases. Find out why, how to write them ... plus get your Press Release template.
Nov 17, 2020
Press Releases - possibly better to call them Media Releases these days, as they're used across all kinds of communication format. Some say these little nuggets are a thing of the past. They're wrong. Look at Press Releases as free advertising - but without the dubious odour of commercialism. They're a great way to communicate a piece of news about your business - expansion - a new appointment - an exciting contract - an acquisition - a major investment. Press Releases are also a vital tool for putting a positive spin on bad news. Whatever the function of your Press Release, you need to follow a pattern.
May 16, 2020