Copywriting Insights

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Your menu tabs - how enticing are they?
We often tend to take our website menu titles for granted. But shouldn't we think more carefully about how we word them?
Jul 22, 2021
Double or treble your webite engagement rate. It's easy!
Did you know? There's a simple trick you can use to double or even treble your website's engagement rate. Zero effort. Zero expense. All it takes is a scintilla of original thinking. I'll leave it to the 13-year-old boy to explain ...
Sep 14, 2020
What's the ideal word count for a web page?
4 answers to 5 questions Here are five questions I’ve asked of ‘experts’ in recent months? How big does my turkey need to be to feed a family of 16? Why won’t the lawnmower start? What’s the best way to get moss off my roof? For how much longer do I have to keep taking this medication which makes me so sleepy all day? Are you sure it’s my turn to take the bins out? Straightforward questions to which there are straightforward answers - but how about this one? What is the ideal word count for a web page?
Sep 7, 2020
How should I use testimonials on my website?
Have you noticed how some businesses cram bucketloads of testimonials on a single web page? It all looks over the top, don’t you think? Be honest – do you ever trudge through them all? I don’t – not ever. My response is usually, ‘OK – I get it. You’re brilliant. Let’s move on’. So - for testimonials to be effective, how should we use them?
May 24, 2020
Your Website Home Page Banner ... is it working for you?
Shops. Remember them? Those places in town where you used to get stuff? They had windows, displaying a selection of the goods for sale. These visual showcases were always reckoned to be pretty important - a vital part of enticing passers-by to drop in and browse ... and hopefully, spend. They were like your Home Page banner. Both need to be designed with care. Both must be attractive. Both must be relevant. Remember - your banner serves one single purpose - to persuade your visitors to explore your wonderful website.    
May 2, 2020
Writing your own website content? Preparation part 3 - build a solid structure
In recent blogs, we've been looking at writing your own web content. We've already covered - what your website is for - What do you want it to achieve? and - who it's to - Who’s your reader? In this and the next couple of blogs, let's look at the final pieces in your preparation jigsaw.  Your web pages - their structure and how to organise them.
Feb 24, 2020
Writing your own website copy? Preparation Part 2. Who's it to?
In the last article, we looked at the importance of preparing your web copy before launching into the creative part. Here, we'll examine a vital, but so often neglected, aspect of effective copywriting - thinking about who your website is for . Who are you trying to attract? Yep, I know. It sounds pretty obvious, but, you'd be astonished how many copywriters give this essential part of their preparation so little thought.
Feb 11, 2020
Writing your own website copy - Preparation is all - Part 1
So. You're thinking of having a crack at writing your own website copy? OK - well, it's your decision! But hold on just one second. As with any craft worthy of the term, preparation is all. Well, maybe not quite all, but it matters more than you may realise. Ask any craftsman - a chef, a DIY expert, a mechanic, an artist, a fisherman or, yes, a copywriter.  The reply will be the same.  (unapologetic cliché alert) Fail to prepare.  Prepare to fail. Fail to step back and consider the fundamentals of your website project before you start, and you’ll be wasting your time.  
Jan 26, 2020
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