You want your copy to be read, understood, and acted on? Yep - I guessed as much. Then you need a well-thought-out heading structure.
Great copy doesn’t just rely on words—it relies on structure. Headings and sub-headings are the scaffolding that hold your content together, making it clearer, more engaging, and easier to follow.
Without them, readers face a daunting wall of text. And let’s be honest—no one has time for that.
Feb 9, 2025

If you're a fellow carnivore (in my case a somewhat reluctant one), you might enjoy the occasional Sunday roast. Which meat eaters amongst us don't slaver at the sight and smell of a plump, golden, crisp-skinned chicken, basted in oozing, buttery juices, surrounded by a bed of crunchy spuds, carrots and greens? You'll be aware of the importance of letting the centrepiece of your perfectly cooked dinner 'rest' for 15 minutes or so before being served up. This gives the fibres a chance to relax, to soften and to become as deliciously tender as they can be. Well, this next bit might surprise you. it's just as important to let our writing rest too.
Feb 8, 2025

So. You want your audience to remember what you say? Now there's a surprise!
If you really want your key message to stick, then it’s useful to know how your audience's memories work!
Feb 1, 2025
You've doubtless heard me go on about how important it is to write in a relaxed, conversational style. And I'm not about to stop! Here's why -
The rule is simple - write like you talk.
Jan 5, 2025

You want the world's biggest, the best, the most expensive, the most lavish Christmas gift ever?!
Then you need to work for it. You have to impress 'the man' with your impeccable copywriting skills.
Here's your step-by-step copywriter's guide to creating the perfect persuasive pitch - a festive masterpiece.
Dec 5, 2024

Case Studies are too often seen as an afterthought.
In our marketing and lead generation, it's so easy to forget this vital tool.
But we do need to remember the part that evidence plays in the sales process.
We can make as many bold claims as we like about our amazing products or services - but nothing beats cold, hard evidence ...
... as this tale so perfectly illustrates.
Jul 21, 2024

Those who know me well (yeah, I know. It's tough!) will be aware of the Copywriter Pro strapline - Clear, Concise and Compelling. The greatest of these is Clarity (Now where have I heard a line like that before?).
And that's the problem with this election card.
Jun 28, 2024

Peeling back the layers to generate compelling copy
Doubtless you get as excited as I do, every year when National Onion Day comes around.
With so many across the nation, celebrating this important day, let's look at how great copy is so much like a big, crunchy onion.
Just as an onion has multiple layers, our most effective writing requires depth, structure, and a gradual unveiling of ideas.
Jun 18, 2024

I'm writing this on June 16th and I know exactly what you'll be doing today ... Celebrating Bloomsday! James Joyce Day - a day to reflect on the life of a man renowned for writing one of the longest sentences in literature - a staggering 3,000 words. It’s a day to honour his contributions to literature and to appreciate the unique style and innovative techniques he brought to the world of writing.
Jun 15, 2024

You know what catches my eye? Young children with umbrellas. OK – not the best joke, but hey – it got your attention … which is what you aim to achieve whenever you write a blog, a social post, an email or a newsletter.
Capturing and maintaining our reader's interest online is a challenge we all face. How often do we start reading a webpage only to lose interest before reaching the end?
Mar 3, 2024

A mission statement is more than just words. It's a commitment to what makes your business significant. It guides actions, attracts customers, and provides a clear sense of direction. Crafting a meaningful mission statement can significantly impact your brand's identity and success.
Feb 29, 2024

Are you about to write a blog … or an email newsletter ? Want to get your hands on a secret weapon – a magic potion that will intrigue, entice and convince your readers?
Feb 18, 2024

"… and you join us in the final minutes of the F.A. Cup Final, with the score at 0-0, as Northampton Town's Sam Hoskins cuts in from the right. The Liverpool defenders back off, but the Premier League's leading scorer curls an unstoppable shot into the top right-hand corner to win the match!"
Feb 9, 2024

Strong verbs should be the rocket fuel of your writing, propelling your sentences with power and precision. By choosing strong verbs, you'll transform your writing from flat to fascinating.
Let's look at how strong verbs will elevate your writing, making it more compelling and engaging for your readers.
Feb 3, 2024

The Ancient Art of Storytelling.
Think back to the earliest days of human society. Our ancestors, gathered around fires, shared stories that became the bedrock of cultures. They used tales to impart wisdom, foster community, and create a shared identity. This art form has endured, evolving to fit our modern world. In your business, have you ever employed the ancient art of storytelling to engage your audience - to 'turn them on to your message'? Maybe it's time to start.
Feb 1, 2024

... except it isn't.
Do you get my sarcasm? Impressed? Well, you shouldn't be. Don't get me wrong. If you want to raise a smile, sarcasm can be really effective. But NOT with the written word. It rarely works. Believe me. I know. I've done it more often than I dare admit. I bet you have too.
Dec 27, 2023

Is your brand just an empty shell?
Ninety-five percent of large organisations have brand guidelines.
These are filled with pages of information on the correct and incorrect ways to make use of brand components like logos, colour palettes, and photography. There's even direction for the proper spacing of margins and columns. However, not all organisations have guidelines on brand voice.
Has yours? It hasn't? Maybe it should.
Oct 12, 2023

Calls To Action - we all know how important they are. But how easy are they to write?
Dec 13, 2022

Headlines and sub-headlines are a bit like dating. (As if I would know! It's been 42 years!)
Dec 9, 2022

When I'm deep in discussion with a solo client, and we're working through their website copy , we wrestle with one particular challenge more than any other.
Should we use the pronoun 'I' or 'We'?
Nov 30, 2022

I'm always banging on about the perils of yawn-inducing long sentences and the painful impact on the brain of repetitive short ones. So what's the answer? In our blogs, our web copy, our newsletters, our sales copy ... How long should our sentences be?
May 23, 2022

Oh Mr. Lineker, what have you done?
Did you realise? You committed one of the biggest copywriting sins of all - sarcasm.
May 15, 2022

Mask-wearing and writing sales copy that works
There is a link. Mask-wearing is very much back in the news. The Leader of the House of Commons tells us that we won't catch the virus, as long as we're amongst friends. That's a relief. Better find myself a friend
Oct 23, 2021

... or how to come across as the warm, welcoming business you really are.
How do you want to come across in your business communications? 1. Officious? Stand-off-ish? Remote? or 2. Warm, friendly and approachable? Let me have a wild guess. I'm going for no.2.
Jul 17, 2021

Did you know? The world's longest non-life sentence was imposed on Thai pyramid scheme fraudster Chamoy Thipyaso, who was jailed for 141,078 years in 1989. But, of course, as you've already worked out, this article is about sentence length in your writing - what works and what doesn't.
Jul 16, 2021

You? A copywriter? Forget it!
Only the uniquely gifted possess the rarefied talents required to become copywriters. Only the chosen ones can even dream of attaining the almost super-natural skills required to make words do the business for their business.
Wrong – very wrong.
Aug 24, 2020

“Look – I’m a technician. I haven’t a clue about words. It’s your job to come up with all the flowery language.” These were the words of Bob, my lovely new client from a few years ago.
You'll appreciate I've had to let Bob down gently. I quickly reminded him that, of the many services offered by Copywriter Pro, being the purveyor of ‘flowery language’ isn’t one.
Jun 30, 2020

We often hear about the importance of writing with empathy - of making our readers feel we’re ‘with’ them. All the best writers manage this. No more so than Maya Angelou. She famously wrote about using words to express empathy.
“I’ve learned that - people will forget what you said. people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
So, we all know the value of writing with empathy - but how to do it ... that's another matter. One sure-fire way is to use three common, yet exceptional, words.
Jun 29, 2020

Apparently, I'm awesome. No - really. I must be. Well, at least that's what some clever marketing whizzo thinks.
I've rarely felt so insulted.
Jun 22, 2020

This moggy's curiosity may place it in great danger but your curiosity is the one trait that will make or break you as a writer. No - I'm not suggesting you have aspirations to be the next Tolstoy, J.K. Rowling or Jeffrey Archer (Forgive me. I don't know where that last one came from). Rather, I was thinking about your approach as you write your blogs, your newsletters - even your everyday emails.
Jun 14, 2020

Features & benefits
Putting the ‘why’ before the ‘what’.
Yes - it’s that old chestnut - The Tweedledum and Tweedledee of commercial copywriting - features and benefits.
I can hear the collective groan - “Oh not that one! Everyone knows the difference.”
But do they? Some have a funny way of showing it.
Jun 8, 2020

Isn't it great news? At last, you can get rid of that massively overpaid word nerd. You've always known you're a great copywriter. From today, you can prove it once and for all. With uncharacteristically selfless generosity, I'm going revealing to you a wonderful little tool that's available to us all, but is usually tucked away where we can't find it.
Five minutes from now, you'll know how to test everything you write - every blog, every web page, every email, letter, press release, case study or white paper - the lot. You'll be able to check them for readability ... in just seconds.
May 23, 2020

Typos - aren't they shockers? Who occasionally makes these annoying errors? Well, you do for a start. And, as long as you promise to keep this between us, I'll confess - I've been known to commit the odd erratum too. Of course, we all do. Often our little mistakes have little or no consequence. On other occasions, the impact can be somewhat serious. Here's a salutary tale -
May 16, 2020

Back in 1974, American songwriter, Billy Swan, released his only hit. I've a sneaking suspicion that, as he penned the lyrics, the last thing on his mind was pitching for business. Yet, the title of the one-hit-wonder seems to be used by almost every business in almost every marketing pitch. And the song is - I Can Help .
May 12, 2020

When you put together your website content, your blogs, your emails, or any kind of copy, who do find yourself writing about? Yourself? Other clients? Or your precious reader? Well, this article is about the worst words in copywriting, I, me, mine - along with their abominable cousins, we, our, ours. At the same time, let's celebrate the finest of copywriting words - you, your, yours .
May 10, 2020

It's odd (and a source of considerable dismay to professional copywriters) how the value of words in business, and the skill required to craft them effectively, so often goes unappreciated. Yes - we copywriters feel unloved.
Our products (words) and our skill (putting them in the right order) are the sad, neglected, Cinderella of marketing.
Jan 13, 2020

Those witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth sure knew a thing or two about writing great copy - particularly when it came to that all-important Call-To-Action. They knew that, to get someone to do something, it's no good pussyfooting around. Just tell 'em!
Dec 9, 2019

“Look – I’m a technician. I haven’t a clue about words. It’s your job is to come up with all the flowery language.” These were the words of Bob, my new client.
I had to let Bob down gently and remind him, that of the many services offered by Copywriter Pro, being the purveyor of ‘flowery language’ definitely isn’t one.
Sep 29, 2019

Most copywriters would agree that the trickiest part is keeping your copy brief. (My family will tell you that brevity in conversation isn't my finest quality). When you’re writing copy, the easy bit is bashing out your ideas onto a Word document. The tough part is the cutting. To write winning copy, we have to cut. Then cut some more and then, cut once again. Oh – and then … cut one more time.
Sep 22, 2019

When going through one of his demented, delusional, yet piercingly insightful phases, Shakespeare's King Lear, once intoned threateningly, "Nothing will come from nothing!". Was he right?
I guess he probably wasn't referring to the art of effective business writing. But if, by chance, he was, then he was surely way off the mark.
Because, in all kinds of business writing, plenty will definitely come from nothing.
Aug 31, 2019

Don't you just hate it? Several years ago, I produced the very first Copywriter Pro leaflet. The design was great - thank you Mark Coster from Pixooma . The print quality was the best (fine work, The Braunston Family from Braunston Print ). OK - enough plugs for these wonderful people. What about the copy? Well, it was, of course, almost perfection itself! Almost - but not quite ...
Jul 24, 2019

Once upon a time, there lived a young, ambitious, politician.
One day he stood up in front his audience and promised,
“When I become Prime Minister my 3 main priorities will be education, education, education.”
His early years as Prime Minister went rather well. It was only towards the end of his term of office that things went somewhat awry for Tony Blair
Jun 15, 2019

"Be yourself - everyone else is taken" This saying is attributed to Oscar Wilde - the chap in the photo. But this blog is really about a gentleman who's nothing like the Victorian man of letters. It's about writing in a natural, conversational way. But first, I'd like to tell you about Sean.
Jun 10, 2019

... small is beautiful
Was it Winnie The Pooh who once said - 'It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like 'What about lunch?'
Imagine the scene - You’re writing a Sales Letter, promoting your latest widget. So – what’s the most important thing? 'Being professional?' Well that's arguable. What do you mean by 'professional'?
Apr 28, 2019

That Usain Bolt - he certainly knows a thing or two about going flat out, but when we're writing, isn’t pace more subtle than that? You’ll have noticed that I’m always banging on about the virtues of keeping things short. Short words, short paragraphs, short sentences … but hang on a minute. Does this always have to be the case?
Apr 26, 2019

It's all about clarity
Some of the biggest brands ignore this one. When you write your domain name, either as your email address or your web address, always capitalise the first letter of each word - like this - www.CopywriterPro.co.uk. It makes it so much easier for the brain to take it in.
Apr 24, 2019